Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Beautiful Butterfly Garden at Curug Cilember

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Curug Cilember also known as " Seven Waterfalls at Cilember area" is a tourism area with natural tourism concept. This area offers  the beauty, coolness and green tropical rain forest  at  700m - 1,010m above sea level with temperature around  15° - 25° C. Its main attraction is 7 (seven) waterfalls. The area is located at Hambalang hill – Cisarua, that is only ± 25 km from the city of Bogor and ± 100 km from the city Jakarta.

Butterfly Garden dome-shaped house

At the entrance of this park, you will find a beautiful Butterfly Garden dome-shaped house. Area  occupied is  500 m2. There are about 12 species of wildlife native Butterflies here, namely: Papilio Memnon, heulena Papilio, Papilio polytes, Papilio demoleus, Troides helena, Troides ampisus, Atrophaneura aristolocia, Graphium Agamemnon, Graphium sarpedon, Euploea Mulciber, Elymnias hypermnesta and Attacus atlas.

caterpillar on hand

For those who want to spend the night here, there are tree camping grounds and jungle lodges, i.e.:  the valley of ferns, waterfall five and waterfall seven. If you don’t bring your camping tent and equipment (mattresses, sleeping bed, extra bed and light storm), you could also rent those at here.

hanging bridge
The camping ground has a good view with overlooking of waterfalls, rivers and forests. Gurgling sounds of the waterfalls and rivers and pine leaves blown by  the wind would accompany your sleep, giving the sensation of its own and makes a new experience amid the routine and busyness of our everyday.

one of the seven waterfalls at curug cilemeber
Although there's seven waterfalls, but only a few reachable and therefore mostly visited.  the other waterfalls's location are not easily accessible as it will requires a lot of hiking and efforts.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Play on beach wave pool at Ocean Park - BSD City

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Bumi Serpong Damai, known as BSD City,  is a real estate located at west side of Jakarta. It is at a suburb area.  BSD is a city designed around one thing: the people who will live, work and play here. People who will experience an unparalleled Quality of Life as comfortable homes, business spaces, shopping, education and leisure all come together to provide a better, healthier environment in which to live.

ocean park bsd

One of the recreational park is Ocean Park. This water theme park is located at the central of BSD. The place can be easily recognized by the giant octopus on it’s roof.

It’s lobby serves food and drink stalls and ticket booth. there is also restaurant while entering the lobby. The water park is quite large, there are varieties of outbound water based game, a Flying Fox game and trampoline.

entrance to pool
This place is a family recreational park, you can bring your little ones for a fun water play, no kids can resist playing with water. Ocean Park has a shallow kiddie pool for toddlers where they can have fun just walking around the pool or play with the water canon, spray, sliding etc.

There's also a kids pool next to the toddler pool where bigger kids can play there, however no tube allowed in this pool.  In this pool, kids usually gather around the play arena where there's a giant pail that will spill a huge splash of water whenever the pail is already full with water.  The shrieking of the kids getting splashed and their wide grins is a sight to enjoy.

kids pool

For a different experience, move to the farther pools at the back where the area is actually a lot bigger than the kids pools at the front side.  In this area, there's a high water sliding where you can slide side by side with three other persons, however you must be at a certain minimum height to be able to play in this slide.


There's a also two great sliding tube where you can slide together with friends, however, a precaution, as these sliding comes out to a deeper pool, make sure there's someone down in the pool to catch your kids when they emerge from the slide.

The biggest and perhaps most sought after pool in Ocean Park is actually the wave pool.  The design of this pool is made to a liking of a white sandy beach, and the wave will be set at one hour interval.  Usually the park will sound a siren to alert all visitors that wave pool is about to start so people will rush to the pool to enjoy the wave with their tube.  The wave is actually quite strong, so if you're taking your toddlers, it's best to stay at the shallow side of the pool.

beach pool

After the wave subsided, get into the river pool where you can still ride the wave lazily on top of your tube.  If you're tired of playing, rest a while and order some drink or snacks, many of of the food stall attendants there will go around and offered to take your orders and deliver it to you, so you don't have to go around to search for food or drink. You can also play the trampoline and flying fox inside the park for free.

For safekeeping, lockers are available for rent.  However, it is advisable to leave your valuables at home and bring only the necessary things to the park.

  • Check for the promotional tickets, usually the park will offer a good promotion of buy 1 get 1 ticket for certain credit card holders
  • This park can be overcrowded at weekend or holiday, usually it will start to get crowded after 10am
  • No outside food or drink allowed except for baby, the security will check your bag
  • Although safe guards are available, never leave your kids unattended
  • Since it is at tropical area, come early and hinder the direct sun at noon.
  • just don’t forget to bring some sun block if you don’t plan to get some natural tanning ‘treatment’ here

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ingin mengetahui jumlah poin MCC secara gampang dan cepat?

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Setiap berbelanja dengan kartu Kartu MCC di  Matahari Department Store, maka kita akan mendapatkan poin. Untuk kartu Reguler setiap kelipatan Rp.20.000 kita akan mendapatkan 2 poin, sedangkan kartu Premium dan kartu Beauty, poin yang diperoleh 2 kalinya, yakni 4 poin.

Poin yang telah terkumpul tersebut dapat kita tukarkan dengan voucher belanja.  Setiap 100 poin  kita dapat menukarkan dengan voucher MCC senilai  Rp. 10.000.Voucher ini dapat langsung kita gunakan untuk mengurangi jumlah pembelanjaan kita, atau voucher tersebut dapat kita simpan untuk belanja dikemudian hari ataupun dapat diberikan ke kerabat atau orang tercinta. Penukaran voucher dapat dilakukan di counter MCC di semua toko Matahari.

Untuk mengetahui jumlah poin yang telah kita kumpulkan, kita dapat langsung ke counter MCC dengan menunjukan kartu MCC atau dengan nomor kartu MCC yang tertera di kartu. 

Ada cara yang paling gampang dan cepat dan pastinya lebih menyenangkan untuk mengetahui jumlah poin yang telah kita kumpulkan, yakni melalui pengecekan di website MCC,  pada menu MCC Membersip. Masukan nomor kartu dan password kita dan kita akan melihat jumlah poin yang terkumpul untuk dapat kita tukarkan dengan voucher MCC.

Tapi untuk password, dimana dapat kita peroleh?. Pada kartu Premium dan Beauty, password ada di sebelah kanan setelah nomor kartu (4 angka). Password juga tertera  pada bar-code di belakang kartu Beauty, Premium ataupun kartu Reguler dengan angka yang lebih kecil.

Jika pertama kali masuk ke menu ini, kita akan diminta untuk langsung mengganti password di sistem MCC tersebut.  Dengan mengganti password, maka password akan berbeda dengan yang telah di cetak di kartu dan hanya kita yang mengetahui password tersebut.

Disini kita juga dapat merubah data yang ada dan juga kita dapat melihat transaksi belanja yang pernah kita lakukan sebelumnya.


  • Ganti password dengan kombinasi angka dan huruf, minimal password  8 digit.
  • Perhatikan masa berlaku voucher MCC untuk menghindari voucher kedaluarsa.

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