Thursday, January 10, 2013

What is inside the Monas? - Jakarta - Indonesia

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The National Monument (Indonesian: Monumen Nasional (Monas)) is a 433 ft (132 metre) tower in the centre of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno. Monas was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil. The monument and the museum are open daily from 08.00 - 15.00 Western Indonesia Time (UTC+7) throughout the week except for the last Monday of each month when the monument is closed.

Monument design
The towering monument encapsulates the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Lingga resembles an alu rice pestle and Yoni resembles a lesung rice mortar, two important traditional Indonesian tools. Lingga and Yoni also symbolize eternal life with the lingga phallic symbol, representing masculinity, positive elements, and daytime and the Yoni the female organs symbol, representing femininity, negative elements, and night. The monument consists of a 117.7m obelisk on a 45m square platform at a height of 17m, the goblet yard. The obelisk itself is clad with Italian marble.

The northern pond measuring 25×25 m was designed to cool water for the air conditioning system of Monas as well as to enhance the beauty of the surrounding area. To the north, there is a statue of Indonesia national hero Prince Diponegoro by Italian sculptor Cobertaldo.

The National History MuseumThe Indonesian National History Museum has a display of dioramas in the large marble-lined hall below Monas. There are a total of 51 dioramas around the walls and in the centre of the hall. The dioramas first show scenes from Indonesian history beginning from the earliest days of colonialism and the Srivijaya and Majapahit eras followed events from the period of European colonialization and uprisings against Dutch East Indies rule.

The dioramas continue well into the 20th century showing the Japanese occupation, the proclamation of Indonesian independence in 1945, the struggle for independence of Indonesian revolution, and on to events during the New Order era of Suharto's regime.

The entrance to Monas is located around 100 meters away to the northern side of the monument. Visitors enter by steps down to a tunnel which leads back towards the base of the Monas. There is a ticket office (Rp 2,500 for adults, mid 2012) at the end of the tunnel. Tickets allow access to the National History Museum display of dioramas as well as several other parts of the area. Tickets for access to the observation desk cost another Rp 7,500 for adults (mid 2012) and may be purchased at a second booth after passing through the hall showing the diorama display.

It is best to go early, preferably arriving before 08.00am, and proceed directly to the lift to the observation tower. The lift has a capacity of perhaps 160 people per hour so long queues build up quickly. The other parts of the monument, including the dioramas in the hall below the Monas, can be viewed later.

For Jakarta residents, Monas means an affordable recreation. they are not going to inside Monas, but just play at park. Families can bring their children to play there. Jakarta has very few open places for people. We can see there many sellers toys and snacks for kids there, especially at weekend and holiday.

In celebration of New Year's Eve here, everyone went to Monas to see the fireworks and musical performances. It was greeted with great fanfare, the roar of trumpets and fireworks glide never seems to stop in an instant, always filled the sky.


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Toples Kerupuk

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Manakala hidupmu tampak susah untuk dijalani ...
manakala 24 jam sehari terasa masih kurang ...
ingatlah akan toples kerupuk dan 2 cangkir kopi hangat.

* * * *

Seorang Guru berdiri di depan kelas dan terdapat beberapa benda di atas mejanya. Saat kelas dimulai, tanpa berkata apa apa, dia mengambil sebuah toples kerupuk besar. Toples itu kosong dan dia mulai menaruh satu persatu bola golf ke dalamnya hingga penuh. Setelah itu dia berkata kepada murid muridnya: "apakah toples sudah penuh?" 

Murid murid dengan bingung menyetujui bahwa toples itu sudah penuh.

Kemudian dia mengambil satu kantong plastik berisi batu kerikil kecil berwarna warni dan menuangkannya ke dalam toples tersebut. Pertama tama batu kerikil masih tetap di atas tumpukan bola golf, namun dia mengguncang toples dengan ringan. Batu kerikil tersebut kemudian masuk ke dalam, mengisi tempat yang kosong di antara bola-bola golf.
Kemudian dia bertanya pada para muridnya, apakah toples itu sudah penuh?.

Mereka terdiam dan setuju bahwa toples itu sudah penuh.
Selanjutnya guru tersebut mengambil satu kantong pasir dan menebarkan ke dalam toples ... Tentu saja pasir itu menutup segala sesuatunya. Beliau sekali lagi bertanya: "apakah toples sudah penuh?" .... Para murid dengan suara bulat berkata, "Betul"
...Beliau kemudian mengambil 2 cangkir kopi dari mejanya dan menuangkan kopi tersebut  ke dalam toples, dan secara efektif mengisi ruangan kosong di antara pasir. Para murid tertawa.
...."Sekarang," kata beliau ketika suara tawa mereda, "Saya ingin kalian memahami bahwa toples ini mewakili kehidupanmu."
"Bola-bola golf adalah hal-hal yang penting - Tuhan, keluarga, anak-anak, kesehatan, dan para sahabat"
"Jika segala sesuatu hilang dan hanya tinggal mereka, maka hidupmu masih tetap penuh."
"Batu kerikil warna warni adalah segala hal lain, seperti pekerjaanmu, rumah dan mobil."
sedangkan "Pasir adalah hal-hal yang lainnya -- hal-hal yang sepele."
"Jika kalian pertama kali memasukkan pasir ke dalam toples," lanjut beliau, "Maka tidak akan tersisa ruangan untuk batu kerikil ataupun untuk bola-bola golf.. Hal yang sama akan terjadi dalam hidupmu."
"Jika kalian menghabiskan energi untuk hal-hal yang sepele, kalian tidak akan mempunyai ruang untuk hal-hal yang penting buat kalian."
"Jadi ...""Beri perhatian untuk hal-hal yang utama untuk kebahagiaanmu."
"Bermainlah dengan anak-anakmu."
"Luangkan waktu untuk menjaga kesehatan."
"Ajak pasanganmu untuk makan malam di luar"
"Akan selalu ada waktu untuk membersihkan rumah dan memperbaiki perabotan."
"Berikan perhatian terlebih dahulu kepada bola-bola golf  -- Hal-hal yang benar-benar penting. Atur prioritasmu. Baru yang terakhir, urus pasir-nya."
Salah satu murid mengangkat tangan dan bertanya, "Kopi mewakili apa?"
Beliau tersenyum"Saya senang kamu bertanya."
"Itu untuk menunjukkan kepada kalian, sekalipun hidupmu tampak sudah begitu penuh, tetap selalu tersedia tempat untuk 2 cangkir kopi bersama sahabat..."
Cerita dari seorang sahabat. Semoga bermanfaat

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Kids will love playing at KIDZANIA Jakarta - Indonesia

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KIDZANIA is an indoor facility, located in 6th floor of Pacific Place Shopping Mall, CBD Complex, Jakarta. It is an educational indoor theme park for children between 2 to 16 years old and their parents. Kids play adult roles. He/she learns how to be a doctor, a pilot, a construction worker, a private detective, an archeologist, and an F1 driver. There are more than 100 role play activities that children can choose from, with a variety of scenarios and technologies to make the situation as real as possible.

kidzania jakarta
Kidzania has a replica of the most representative buildings in a city such as Hospital, Supermarket, Beauty Salon, Theatre, Industrial sites, and many more. KIDZANIA is divided into three main areas: Airport, the entrance area where children board the plane to KIDZANIA; City Central, filled with abundant commercial activities; and Suburbs, an area where all of the factories are located.

In order to allow Kids to take the initiative and do what they want to do, Adults may not enter establishment or participate in activities. However, Adults are encouraged to form part of the audience at the Theater and TV Station, and Kidzania welcome adults to watch their Kid's accomplishments from the viewing areas at each pavilion.

Urbano's House is a special play area available for Kids 6 years old and younger. Adults may enter this area with their Kids. Diaper changing stations and a nursing room are also available.

In KIDZANIA, kids use kidzania official currency KIDZOS. Here, kids learn to appreciate the value of money, by performing over 100 professions and occupations and earn a salary. Their salaries earned, can then be used to buy goods and services available in KIDZANIA 

Kid will receive a 50 kidzos check when entering Kidzania. Once inside, he/she must go to the bank, cash the check and use the money to buy goods and services such as: rent car, get a hair-do at the beauty salon, or shop at KidZania Department Store, for instance. If kid wants to save Kidzos and manage the credit balance, he/she can open a savings account at the bank.

Kidzos are not for sale with real money, if kids spend all their kidzos or if they want to earn more, they must get a job and work to provide a product or service such as firefighter, dentist, hairdresser, or construction worker, or choose among many different professions.  

At every pavilions or activity kids may spend or earn kidzos. For example: at the Fire Station they can earn money, while at the KidZania Department Store they can spend them. However, there are lots of establishments where they can do both of things, at the Hospital, for instance, he/she can be a doctor and earn money or be a patient and pay to get medical attention.

On weekends or school holidays, Kidzania always filled with children. They should be queuing up to play on every pavilions or activity . Here we teach children to learn to be patient and disciplined.


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