The show is featured in the "Theater in the Wild" in Adventureland. Similar to the theater setting in Disney's Animal Kingdom, The show in Hong Kong has been arranged to a simplified version of the story of The Lion King along with the songs in the movie.
The performance is mainly in English, but two actors dressed as monkeys summarize and translate Rafiki's lines into Cantonese in order to accommodate guests who do not speak English. Simplified Chinese subtitles, for Mainland Chinese visitors, are also projected onto the screens above each seating section. The show is presented to Simba by Rafiki (portrayed by a female actress, as in the Broadway musical) as a re-telling of Simba's life. Simba is represented by a large, elaborate puppet on a parade-style float decorated as a tribal-styled Pride Rock.
In contrast to the Simba of the Animal Kingdom production the puppet in this production wears red and black tribal bracelets and has braids in his mane.
simba friend |
Unlike the Festival of the Lion King in Orlando, which merely uses songs and imagery from the film, the Hong Kong version of the show contains a coherent narrative. It acts as a truncated version of Disney's movie "The Lion King," in which Simba the lion reclaims leadership of his pride after his uncle Scar usurps it. An actress dressed as Rafiki the baboon hosts the proceedings, revealing highlights of Simba's life and recounting specifics to the audience.