Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jogjakarta: Alun Alun Kidul

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Alun-alun (note: correct orthography hyphenated but occurs occasionally without, also found as aloen-aloen, aloon aloon, and erroneously alon-alon) is a Javanese architectural term for the large central open lawn squares common to villages, towns and cities in Indonesia.
Commonly, alun-alun in modern-day Indonesia refers only to the two large open squares of kraton palace compounds.
Each kraton has two alun-alun: the most important and northern alun-alun lor and the less important and commonly smaller southern alun-alun kidul. The court of Pakubuwana in Surakarta is unique as it incorporates the alun-alun kidul within the defensive wall of the kraton proper.

The northern alun-alun lor functioned as the primary and most official entrance to the kraton. Javanese officials and commoners alike had to dismount carriages and horses before entering the alun-alun lor to continue to the kraton. At the two centrally located holy beringin or banyan trees, officials had their payung (ceremonial parasols indicating office), placed down by their parasol valet.
Ordinary commoner Javanese seeking an audience with the Regent would be required to sit and wait under the trees waiting for an official to leave the Kraton and ask their reason for an audience. Dutch officials such as the Resident were commonly received with great ceremony to the alun-alun lor with the kraton soldiers firing three volleys, which would be answered by a twenty-one gun salute from the Dutch fortress, especially between the Yogyakarta kraton and the Dutch Fort Vredeburg[2

There is an attraction called Masangin at Alun Alun, that is to walk passtrough between two banyan trees in the center of the Alun Alun with a black blindfolded. That said, if anyone can get through it and not oblique or hit then he will get infinite blessings. But, do not try to peek, because if you do you will go to another world, you will find the Alun Alun in a state of quiet and hard to get back to reality again.


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Jogjakarta: Mount Merapi

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Mount Merapi, Gunung Merapi (literally Fire Mountain in Indonesian/Javanese), is an active stratovolcano located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly since 1548. It is located approximately 28 kilometres (17 mi) north of the large Yogyakarta city, and thousands of people live on the flanks of the volcano, with villages as high as 1,700 metres (5,600 ft) above sea level.

mount Merapi from kaliurang

The name Merapi could be loosely translated as 'Mountain of Fire'. The etymology of the name came from Meru-Api; from the Javanese combined words; Meru means "mountain" refer to mythical mountain of Gods in Hinduism, and api means "fire".
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Friday, December 28, 2012

Jogjakarta: Parangtritis Beach

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Parangtritis is a well-known beach in Yogyakarta in addition to other objects such as Samas beach, Baron, Kukup, Krakal and Glagah. Parangtritis has a unique landscape that is not found in other beach besides the big waves are also the mountains of sand around the beach, which is usually called dunes. This beach has been managed by the district government Bantul pretty well, ranging from lodging facilities and markets selling souvenirs Parangtritis

sunset at parangtritis beach

In addition there are baths called Parangwedang. The story tells of water baths can cure various diseases in which skin disease because the water from the baths containing sulfur.

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