Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Victoria Park - Hong Kong - the amazing place where people meet

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This is a local park where locals go to exercise from early in the morning.  Do not expect to find scenic and untouched forest at this park, you will be disappointed to find that Victoria Park is more of a centre for activities. However, once you had accepted this you had a great time walking around looking at people playing sport, racing remote-controlled boats, doing Tai Chi etc. You don't need too long to explore the whole place, though.

Victoria Park Sign

While not the most tranquil of parks, it is a good site to take a break from the city streets and motorized traffic. There are few days that it is entirely tranquil in the park (try weekday mornings for the lowest usage), but it is a mostly green space for a stroll. The enclosed birdhouse is interesting to tour - there are many excellent chances to shoot a photo. Also, the fountains are an interesting distraction.

It is located in Causeway Bay, on the north of Hong Kong Island, between Causeway Bay and Tin Hau MTR stations. It is part of Eastern District, along the border with Wan Chai District, bordered by Victoria Park Road and then Victoria Harbour to the north and Causeway Road and Hong Kong Central Library to the south.

Some active facilities with Hire Charge are Tennis Courts, Bowling Green, Swimming Pool Complex, and the rest facilities are free such as: Soccer Pitches, Basketball Courts, Fitness Stations and Jogging Trail, Children Playground and Model Boat Pool


  • Victoria Park is one of the most amazing places where people meet, there are many different ethnic communities in Hong Kong and many of them will meet in Victoria Park. It is nice to see the diversity of this big community.
  • Sunday is usually the Muslim community; people from the different sects of Islam meet in different spots, sharing food, their music, prayers and some even dancing. It is a wonderful sight to see. At one end they have a small market where clothes are sold and some people have professional pictures taken, also some art works.
Victoria Park Hong Kong 
  • The Park, whilst not huge, does provide many peaceful benches and open seating areas to catch up with the Newspapers and there are cafe facilities both within and nearby. The Pacific Coffee Emporium just across the Road being particularly recommended. The gardens are open twenty four hours a day, Beautifully maintained and the ideal place for recharging personal batteries and planning the day ahead.
  • On Sunday, you will also notice groups of Pilipino or Indonesia workers here because they only have a day off on Sunday. 
  • Transport to the park is very convenient as it is just next to the busy Causeway Bay district. Visitors can arrive by MTR, getting off at either Causeway Bay MTR station or Tin Hau station. Dozens of bus routes and the trams also provide convenient access.
  • Admission is free and park Opens 24 hours
Have a nice holiday!

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pasar Mayestik

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This famous Pasar Mayestik is located at Kebayoran Baru neighborhood in South Jakarta, Indonesia, the new suburb of Jakarta and housed for a rich citizens. This market offered many good quality fabrics with reasonable price and you can find many professional tailors ready to sew your fabrics to party suit, a ball gown, The Kebaya,  office dress, bad cover, etc.

Pasar Mayestik Jakarta

Like others traditional a market at Jakarta, this market used to be slum, dirty and unorganized, but now, you will be surprise with its appearance. The original one was demolished and replaced by a big modern looking mall full with stalls, nice bathrooms and even a food court. The new one is 10 floors cover 6.905 M2 with air conditioning, escalators, lifts, security with CCTV, mosque, fire extinguisher, and one floor for car park. It houses 2.279 shops that sell variety of products range from anything related to fabric, vast array of batik, sewing supplies to costume making.  The Prices seemed quite decent and you can find a good quality of fabrics too.

First Floor at Pasar Mayestik Jakarta

Tired from shopping, there are still street food vendors occupied the pedestrian, you can try siomai, traditional panecake and so many others.

outside Pasar Mayestik

  • There is a flea market called Taman Puring near Pasar Mayestik.  You can find second hand goods, antiques, new fake brand stuff, tools, and many things.  Make sure the goods before you buy! bargain is advisable.
  • At basement floor you can find vegetable, meats, fruits and  others stalls. At ground floor, most of stall sold fashion. At first floor, you can find gold stalls, and at second floor, there are many tailors and garment and fabrics.
  • You can find some ethnic-Indian shops for making a Sari including a nice Indian seamstress.
  • Be ready to bargain. It is expected and you can usually get discounts, especially if you buy several pieces of fabric from the same store and activelly ask the owner to discount your shops.
  • Be willing to browse and browse until you find what you are looking for and sometime you will find the treasure you have been seeking if you look past the apparent chaos.
  • It is wise to be aware of your surroundings and make sure all your bags are closed.
  • Get there early. The shopkeepers are willing to help you and the crowds and the heat are bearable.
  • To avoid the biggest crowds, avoid the weeks preceding Idul Fitri and Christmas. It was  the worst times to visit if you get overwhelmed by the crowds.
Dress makers at Pasar Mayestik
  • This place is a paradise for most anything related to fabric, costume making, crafting and sewing supplies. There are huge variety of buttons and zippers,  all things ribbon,  appliqués, buttons many colors and textures, buckles, you name it, you can find it all here! Almost everything is organized by color and material and it’s like a candy shop for sewers.
  • It is best alternate place where people go for fabric shopping in Jakarta other than Tanah Abang. The prices are similar. Tanah Abang is sometimes cheaper but the quality of some materials is better in Pasar Mayestik. The place is less crowded and less traffic jam than Tanah Abang
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Perpanjangan Paspor Online di Kantor Imigrasi

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Perpanjang passport pada dasarnya sama dengan proses pembuatan passport baru. Perpanjang passport sduah dapat dilakukan di semua kantor Imigrasi dan untuk mempercepat proses perpanjangan, Kantor Imigrasi membuka layanan secara online.

Pengajuan secara Online 

Kantor Imigrasi  memberikan layanan perpanjangan passport secara online seperti tercantum di website Kantor Imigrasi . Pilih menu layanan publik kemudian cari submenu Layanan Online dan pilih  Layanan Passport online .

Proses selanjutnya tetap dilakukan di kantor Imigrasi. Kita harus data ke kantor imigrasi untuk mengurus perpanjangan. Menurut informasi, proses online hanya memakan waktu satu hari kerja saja dan passport sudah dapat diperoleh. Tahap pertama menyerahkan dokumen permohonan di loket online, kemudian pembayaran ke Bank BNI 46, selanjutnya Foto dan wawancara dan terakhir menunggu passport baru.

Pengajuan Langsung di Kantor Imigrasi

Proses pengajuan di Kantor Imigrasi membutuhkan waktu 6 hari kerja yakni:  Penyerahan dokumen, pembayaran ke Bank BNI 46, pengambilan foto dan wasancara dan terakhir pengambilan passport baru.

Penyerahan dokumen 
Dokumen imigrasi diserahkan di loket pendaftaran. Dokumen imigrasi yang harus diisi berikut map dapat diperoleh secara gratis. Dokumen pribadi harus difotokopi dan yang diperlukan adalah:
  1. Kartu Identitas / (Kartu tanda Penduduk (KTP)
  2. Kartu Keluarga (KK)
  3. Akte Lahir atau Ijazah
  4. Passport lama
Sedangkan dokumen yang harus diisi adalah:
1.Formulir Surat Perjalanan Republik Indonesia untuk Warga Negara Indonesia
2.Surat Pernyataan bahwa dokumen pemohon adalah milik sendiri, asli dan tidak palsu atau dipalsukan

Dokumen imigrasi tersebut disertai fotokopi dokumen ditaruh di Map Kuning dan diserahkan ke loket penyerahan.

Pembayaran Biaya Passport
Saat ini Kantor Imigrasi tidak lagi menerima pembayaran biaya passport. Kantor Imigrasi bekerja sama dengan BNI 46 untuk menerima pembayaran. Biaya perpanjang passport untuk 48 halaman sebesar Rp.255.000 dan ditambah biaya administrasi bank sebesar Rp.5.000

Pengambilan Foto
Tahap selanjutnya adalah pengambilan Foto langsung diikuti dengan pengambilan sidik jari ditempat yang sama.  Setelah itu pemohon akan diwawancara. Siapkan dokumen asli jika diminta untuk menunjukan dokmen tersebut.

Pengambilan Passport
Tahap terakhir adalah pengambilan passport baru. Kita diminta untuk fotokopi passport lama dan baru dan membuat surat pernyataan diatas materai Rp.6.000

  • Pada saat pengisian data online, pilih jenis passport* 48H (48 halaman) untuk passport tujuan wisata ke luar negeri karena passport 24 halaman untuk calon TKI/TKW.
screen pengisian perpanjangan passport online

  • Dokumen pribadi (KTP, KK, Akte Lahir dan Passport lama) di fotokopi di kertas ukuran A4. Untuk KTP harus diperbesar 120% dan jangan dipotong lagi.
  • Bawalah passport asli pada saat penyerahan dokumen formulir pendafatran di loket pendaftaran. 
  • Petugas Customer service akan membantu memeriksa kelengkapan dokumen pendaftaran dan memberikan nomor antrian untuk loket pendaftaran.
  • Diperlukan 2 materai Rp.6.000 untuk perpanjang passport, pertama untuk pernyataan dokumen yang dimiliki dan kedua untuk bukti pengambilan passport baru.
  • Lepas lensa kontak (contact lens) pada saat dilakukan pengambilan foto biometric
  • Pengambilan passport 3 hari kerja setelah foto, sidik jari dan wawancara. Tanggal pengambilan akan dicap di dokumen perpanjangan passport
  • Bawalah dokumen asli saat foto dan wawancara
  • Pembayaran biaya passport harus di Bank BNI 46. Untuk wilayah Tangerang yang terdekat Bank BNI 46 berada di ruko mall Tang City.
  • Bawa lebih fotokopi dokumen untuk berjaga jaga jika diminta oleh petugas penerimaan dokumen. 
  • Koperasi Imigrasi selain tempat meminta dokumen perpanjanga passport juga menyediakan jasa fotokopi dan juga penjualan materai.
  • Gunakan bolpen dengan tinta berwarna hitam.
  • Perpanjang passport 6 bulan sebelum masa berlaku passport jatuh tempo 
  • Kenakan baju yang rapi dan sopan, tidak disarankan untuk menggunakan celana pendek dan sandal pada saat pengurusan passport.
  • Pada saat pengambilan foto, diwajibkan memakai baju yang rapi namun tidak boleh berwarna putih
  • Berikan waktu perpanjang passport agak panjang jika akan mengurus pembelian tiket pesawat.
  • Proses normal perpanjang passport 6 hari kerja, hari pertama memasukan formulir dan pembayaran ke bank, hari ke 3 wawancara dan foto dan hari ke 6 mengambil passport

Perpanjang passport di atas dilakukan di Kantor Imigrasi Tangerang, bisa berbeda dengan kantor imigrasi lainnya.
Perpanjangan secara online hanya ilustrasi, penulis melakukan proses perpanjangan passport lewat jalur biasa.

semoga bermanfaat ;)

Happy traveling ...

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